Bam Margera

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Bam and Missy Rothstein

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Мисси милаффка)
они оч подходят друг другу..



а покажите мне ее фоту,плз



смотри здесь+)



а ничо так,лучше чем джен или как там ее



boys are toys Хы) да) помоложе будет) Джен была старше Бэма, и чет на много...



прикольная тетечка))



EMO SUCKS Даа))  :)



ууу...получше Джини выглядит.. но в действии я её почти не видел..только фото..



хз, на некоторых фотах она ничего так, а на других ваще страшная)



И все-таки как они познакомились? и где?



Koketka А хз) вроде чет слышала, что на съемках хагарда...а вообще хз



ja toze slqwala 4to na s'emkah hagarda
a pomojmu oni voobwe ne podhodjat drug drugu..imho



Вот еще статья на английском. Что-то про свадьбу Бэма и про новое реалити-шоу.

Marriage. Aside from a boozy bachelor party with your frat brothers and a sex-filled honeymoon, most of us can’t see a huge upside to a lifetime of monogamy. Here, Bam Margera highlights the finer points of holy matrimony as he gets ready for his upcoming nuptials.
By Shallon Lester

Let’s start with the obvious question: Why are you getting married?
I’ve known Missy since sixth grade and we’ve always been friends but never dated until I bumped into her four years ago. If there’s anybody who is perfect for me, it’s her. I just turned 27 and if she wasn’t there to keep me in line, I’d be out until the wee hours of the morning partying with my friends and getting into trouble.

And now you stay home watching Mad About You reruns?
No, she’ll just be like, “You know, it’s 12:30, let’s go!” I’m like, “But the bars don’t close ’till 2!” And she’ll say, “Alright, we’ll make a compromise. I’ll let you drink until 1 but then we’re going home to bed.” At the time I’m like, “Goddamn it! This sucks!” Then the next morning I’ll wake up three hours earlier than I would have if I stayed out all night and I’m like, “Holy shit. I got a lot more done today!”

How did you pop the question?
One day we were in Cartier at the mall and the only ring that I liked slid perfectly onto her finger. I was like, “Fuck it. I’ll do it right here.” I proposed in Cartier at the King of Prussia Mall outside of Philadelphia. Then we drank three bottles of Cartier champagne in the place. We got so drunk that on the way home we ran out of gas and had to have her mom come and rescue us.

What made you want to settle down?
It’s kind of getting to that time. My first drink ever was when I was like 20 years old. My girlfriend at the time cheated on me—she got fingered at the beach—and I was all upset about it, so I grabbed this bottle of Chardonnay and just guzzled the whole thing. That pretty much started seven years of drinking every single day. There’s a time when it’s like, calm down or call it quits. I need to party less, skate more and have those nights by the fire with a movie. It sounds gay, but that’s really what I want to do. I’ve been falling asleep drunk for four years straight.

Have you gotten any good marriage advice?
Most of my friends are either cheaters or divorced or miserable.

Are they telling you to run for your life?
Oh yeah. Of course you’re going to hear that. Tony Hawk had something good to say, but I can’t remember what.

What do the other Jackass guys think?
All of my friends really, really like her. Usually, whenever I brought any girl around, half of them they would say, “We don’t like her one bit.” Everybody seems to like Missy.

What do you guys fight about?
The only time we ever fought that I can remember is when my friend wrecked his car and wrapped it around a tree down the road. I was trying to push it out of the tree with my Hummer. She said, “You’re fucking with the scene of an accident. You’re going to get in trouble.” I’m like, “Shut up! I’m doing what I want to do! I can get this car out.” It was only a half mile from my house so she’s like, “Fuck this. I’m walking home.” She pulled my phone out of her pocket and threw it at me and it hit me in the ear so hard that I still have this weird cartilage bump in it. I was like, “You fucking bitch! You just hurt me so bad.”

I take it there was no make-up sex?
Hell no. I let her walk home. I drove right by her and gave her the finger.

Are you getting any pre-wedding jitters?
Only because the wedding is February 2 and we haven’t even sent out invitations yet. I have so many friends—I’m probably inviting 350 people but I don’t know their fucking addresses. Do you expect me to scroll down my phone and call all 350 people and ask for their address? I don’t even know my brother’s address! Send the proper invitation? I’d rather just send an e-mail saying, “Yo! Wedding! Groundhog Day! Show up!” People usually spend a year or two planning a wedding, but MTV wanted us to be stressing. Time really is running out and I’m scared that we’re not going to get a location.

Have you booked your ruffled-tux wedding singer yet?
We were thinking about maybe having this band, The Sounds, play and we were talking to AFI, too. I think everyone knows H.I.M. is my favorite band, but it would be just too predictable to do that so I’m going to switch it up. I’m sure CKY will play.

Tell me about your dream bachelor party.
It’s going to be in Vegas. I don’t really want to do the whole stripper party thing. I think Hard Rock agreed to let us have a floating half pipe in their pool.

How the hell does that work?
We might put it on a raft or we’ll build it from the bottom because it’s only like eight feet deep. My friend Seth can build it—I’m sure he can attach it to the bottom and make it look like it’s floating, but it will be in the middle of the pool. This band from Sweden is flying in to play and all my friends from LA, the whole Jackass crew, will show up. We’ll just have a fun three days in Vegas, skating and drinking. The Hard Rock even put in a zip line that brings beer down to my friends at the pool.

From Nick and Jessica, Carmen and Dave, Travis and Shanna Barker—they all had their married life broadcast on MTV and all three couples divorced. Are you worried about the MTV wedding jinx?
Nah, I don’t think so. All those marriages with superstar-meets-superstar—come on, man. You know that shit is going to come to an end sooner or later. This is somebody I’ve known since sixth grade. She doesn’t want to be on TV, she has no desire to be a movie star. She just wants to work and hang with her friends and have a normal Pennsylvania life. I’m the complete opposite, but that’s what makes it funny and what makes it work.

Are you worried that the wedding night will be the last sex you ever have?
If I were the type of person who calls “settling down” not caring about the way I looked and ordering a pizza and eating that extra slice, then yes I would be worried. If you feel gross about yourself and she feels gross about herself, of course you’re going to slow down and stop having sex. But she steps on the scale every day and I do too. I’m worried about that shit. My whole dad’s side of the family is not fat—they’re obese. They fucking hammer cheesesteaks all day long. I don’t do that shit. I eat salads. A lot of people say that it’s in your genes that you’re going to be that way, but that isn’t true. Look at their diet. They just slammed a foot long hoagie with extra cheese. That’s what is making them fat. It’s not genes. It’s their diet!

Do you think getting married will be the craziest stunt you’ve ever pulled?
In a way, yeah, actually. All in all, I think it’s going to be pretty fun. We’ve known each other for so long, we get along, and we hardly ever argue. She’s pretty as hell. I couldn’t be any happier.

Bam’s Unholy Union premieres January 30 on MTV.



Бэм Марджера (Bam Margera) -- фигура одиозная, известная даже людям, далеким от мира скейтбординга, задумал жениться, судя по всему серьезно: его женитьба сейчас является частой темой обсуждения среди всей скейт общественности, да и предметом нешуточных споров. Так, прошел слух, что старый друг Бэма, Керри Гетз (Kerry Getz) поспорил с Тимом О' Коннором (Tim O'Connor) на $2,500, а все из-за свадьбы. Предмет спора -- сомнения Керри в прочности уз брака Марджеры и его избранницы, 26-ти летней Мисси Родштейн (Missy Rothstein), простой девушки из городка Вестчестер, штат Пенсильвания. По мнению Гетза, брак не протянет и 3 месяцев. Время покажет.

На прошлой неделе в городе Лас Вегас прошла крупная вечеринка, посвященная скорому запуску на Mtv шоу, в котором будут показаны предсвадебные приготовления Бэма и его невесты. Вечеринка удалась на славу: были там и модели известного мужского журнала FHM, и соратник жениха по Element Майк Валелли (Mike Valelly), который даже отыграл пару песен в составе своей рок-группы. Тусовка была организована с таким расчетом, чтобы показать, чтобы создать еще больший ажиотаж вокруг свадьбы Марджеры.



Enchanting Класс) спс за инфу)

Кста мое мнение)
Если бы они действительно так сильно любили друг друга,
то не офишировали бы так свои отношения, и тем более не делали бы из них шоу,
что бы заработать денег, которых и так полно)



в сообществе на лиру я сказала то же самое



кста она была в фильме хаг. тот кадр где брэн выйграл велик(на контесте)



bas Об этом все знают)



они поженились уже
странно что еще об этом никто не написал


Вы здесь » Bam Margera » Личная жизнь » Bam and Missy Rothstein